After about an hour of fighting with the door frame, it is finally
installed. Several problems manifested themselves during this phase
of construction. First, as the door was installed, the un-squareness
of the building reared its very ugly head. The base of the door had
to be shimmed in order for the door to close easily. Also, because
the sun had affected our ability to think clearly, we made the opening
for the door exactly the same size as the door frame. Never do this.
After fighting with the door for over an hour, we were forced to take a
reciprocating saw and make the hole bigger. Fortunately, the door
sill easily hides this rather rough approach. Always make openings
such as these at least 1/4 of an inch bigger! The exterior paneling
also revealed some un-squareness, but this will be remedied by cutting
and leveling the T-111 paneling. Corner round will further "pretty"
the building. As Tony Tosh is fond of saying, "a car traveling at
65 MPH on the Interstate won't know the difference". Tony also says
the trademark of a good carpenter is his ability to cover his mistakes.
This is so true!