Celestron Fastar 8 at f/1.95, PixCel 237.  This 48 minute exposure consists of a 720 second (four by 180 seconds Track and Accumulate) luminance file, and three 720 second (also four by 180 seconds Track and Accumulate) RGB files. Unguided at -12.89 degrees Celsius.  Post processed with CCDOPS v4.10, and combined in Adobe Photoshop.  This image is proof that one should never atempt image processing in the wee hours of dawn after a night under the stars.  While messing around with the RGB set, I accidentally renamed the B file as the R file.  Consequently, the red image was gone forever.  So, I used the L file as the red file, but there is a great deal of color fringing now.

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