Celestron Fastar 8 at f/1.95, PixCel 237.  This is a composite image created in Adobe Photoshop.  It consists of eight 600 second exposures (each a combination of five 120 second images Track and Accumulate), using the AP900 with PEM correction engaged.  The images were shot over several nights, and cover and area nearly 2 degrees wide.  Unguided at -34.89 degrees Celsius.  This is my first attempt at mosaics and, although there are a few problems, it came out rather well.

For comparison, a single 30 by 40 arc minute Fastar frame.
Celestron Fastar 8 at f/1.95, PixCel 237.  This 600 second exposure consists of ten 60 second images Track and Accumulate, using the AP900 with PEM correction engaged.  Unguided at -30.21 degrees Celsius.

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