Base of the Rumble Room and the Rise of the Rumble River

Rumbling Falls Cave, Van Buren County,  TN

Fujichrome Sensia 100, OM-2S, 21mm lens, B-setting at f/6.3, 1 Meggaflash PF330, 2 Meggaflash PF300 flashbulbs, tripod.

Olympus C3040 digital camera, 35mm lens, 5 seconds at f/7.5, two Meggaflash PF300 flashbulbs, and one Meggaflash PF330 flashbulb, tripod.

"Nearly 200 feet below the peak of the massive talus pile in the Rumble Room lay the rise of the Rumble River.  Here, Curtis Beasley, Steven Pitts, and Mark Ruocco illuminate the river which flows into the mulit-mile long M.O.S. Borehole.  This river begins its rise an amazing 375 or so feet below the top of the Rumble Room."

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