A Gallery of Nature, Scenic, Cave, and Celestial Photography from Around, Under, and Above the Commonwealth of Kentucky


Welcome, and thanks for visiting Darklight Imagery.  I have been actively involved in nature photography in, under, and around the Commonwealth of Kentucky for over 23 years.  The galleries contained in these pages represent a cross section of my image library.  I hope you will enjoy viewing them.  If you have any questions regarding the images or other content of this web site, please feel free to contact me.  Darklight Imagery also maintains an ever-expanding selection of stock photography similar to the imagery contained herein, and custom prints of these and other images are available upon request.

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Last updated 04. March, 2008

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All of the images and content of these pages are © Copyright 1994-2004 by Christopher Anderson, except home page masthead
created by Chris Lasley.  They may not be reproduced, published, copied or transmitted in any form, including electronically on the Internet
or World Wide Web, without written permission. Thank you for respecting the intellectual property
rights protected by the copyright laws of the United States and new International Copyright treaty.

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